
Thursday, April 9, 2015

March Badness - The Championship

It comes down to this.  Just two villains left.  Who is the ultimate baddie?  The Joker or Hannibal Lecter?

Previous rounds:
Explanation / List of contenders
Round 1
Round 2
Sour 16
Evil 8
Fiendish 4

The Joker (Batman, The Dark Knight) vs Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon)

I've already said a great deal about these two outstanding villains, so I'll let them do most of the talking in this final match-up.  The Joker goes first, when he puts on a nurse's outfit and finishes converting a good guy into a bad guy:


Next up, we have Hannibal meeting a senator to discuss Buffalo Bill.  He makes quite a first impression:

Next, the Joker asks: Why so serious?

Hannibal's turn:

The Joker shows us that no cell can hold him:


But Hannibal proves he can escape, too:


Even Joker enjoyed that performance by Dr. Lecter.

But he's not done:

And neither is Hannibal:

And the winner is...

The Joker

He's just too evil and too much fun.  Twisted and demented, the Joker makes other villains look pedestrian.  And despite his wickedness, he's extremely entertaining.

The Bracket:

Here it is.  The final bracket:

* - denotes a villain's name that was removed to avoid spoilers.  To see the real name, find the matching entry in the list of match-ups above and click the *SPOILER ALERT* link (only if you've already read or seen the book/movie/show or don't mind spoilers)

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